Maybe it's just me...
... but did this series take a whole new direction? This episode seemed a lot "darker" than previous episodes to me. Still thought it was good though. Got a bit peeved at Kefka's appearance (I hate Kefka. Always have) but seeing as his scene was "cut short" shall we say, and his laugh wasn't as annoying as usual it didn't take too much away.
I remember reading a review in a previous episode about personality quirks, case in point Shadow, and how he's supposedly this "I care for no one" character; yet he's also pretty helpful at times, such as helping Sailor Moon up after their match in this one, so it's cool that small traits are being picked up and extended on like that.
The nominations are gonna be really tough this time round, but here goes.
SHIVA: Charles/Fighter. This one was tough to pick, as Charles' personality could be extended upon, but Rosa's still got a story of her own to finish. And Flik's just a cool character (pity Viktor wasn't in this actually, considering they're like a "dynamic duo" or something).
RAMUH: Celes. Tough one, but I personally think the Neclord/Star Dragon Sword thing could be extended upon (same reason I didn't vote for Flik), plus with Sailor Moon out, that loses one of the key running jokes in the series.
Great work, definitely one of the toughest voting decisions yet. Now let's see this get a damned award this time.